Mission Statement

Greetings, intrepid internet explorer!

The Razor Girl is an operation in radical media literacy, (sub)culture, gender, and geekdom.

This is a space for pop culture analysis, discussion, and general mutterings. It's a space for transforming academic theories into bite-sized, accessible weapons. It's a place for being excitable fangirls (a gender neutral state of being, obv). It’s a space for observing and breaking down what our favourite stories and pastimes can tell us about our society, our values, our shortcomings, and our future.

It's important that we think critically about the media we consume and the ways we interact. Our mainstream and popular media, the stories we love, the technology we use and the subcultures we join, dramatically impact on our beliefs and sense of self. I'm sure I'm not the only kid who held Harry Potter as my moral and political exemplar (which explains why I constantly question authority and am instantly wicked rad at everything I try), and found more hope in music than in religion. So it's important to talk about these things. Critical thinking isn't just for your Shakespeare homework ya nerd; it's an important and empowering superskill we all need to focus and improve on (especially myself, hence why this whole thing exists).

I love talking about academic theory, and I also love (attempting to) condense theory into simple, singular ideas, so that we can all consider them without having to sink several hours of our lives into reading that dense post-colonial Marxist reading of Where the Wild Things Are (an actual undergrad essay I wrote).

Our battle cry is question everything, trust no-one! No source of authority or information, including TRG, holds absolute truth. Think for yourself, accept and reject ideas as you hear them, and decide what is worth your time. Through discussing our ideas we all become better equipped to navigate contemporary culture, and become able to think and act independently, critically, and with integrity, compassion and intent.  

The Razor Girl is a space for getting excited about things, for fangirling about how cool and varied and interesting things can be – our stories, art, music, life experiences and perspectives are all unique and important. It's a space for fighting for equality and visibility in media. It's a space for welcoming new Avengers fans as well as lifelong comics veterans. It's a space for typing in all-caps about The Walking Dead and She-Hulk because it's just too exciting for lower case.

The Razor Girl is unabashedly feminist. For as long as discrepancies remain between genders in pop/fan/music/gamer/comics/film/political culture, and for as long we are all limited by these visions of gender identity, it's important to unashamedly fight like girls. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and join in~!

TL;DR: hi, sorry I talk so much, you're rad, here's some stuff I wrote.

xoxo Elle

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